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​Snowfall and blizzard blanket Kazakhstan

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Image 0Frontal-type precipitation (primarily, snowfall), fog, blizzard, black ice and wind speed increase are forecast in most regions of Kazakhstan November 23. Sunny weather will dominate only in southern and western parts of the country.

According to Kazhydromet, blizzard and wind speed increase up to 15-20 m per s are expected in Akmola, North Kazakhstan regions and in the daytime in Pavlodar, Karaganda, East Kazakhstan regions.

Wind speed in Kostanay region will reach up to 17-22 m per s. Blizzard is expected there too.

Fog and strong wind up to 15-20 m per s are forecast in Zhambyl, West Kazakhstan and at night in Aktobe regions.

Strong wind up to 15-20 m per s is expected in Mangystau region.

Fog will blanket parts of Almaty and South Kazakhstan regions.


November 23 2015, 11:41

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