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​The First Center of Kazakhstan Opened in China

1 479 просмотрs

Image 1In the framework of a joint initiative of the Consulate General of Kazakhstan in Shanghai, JSC "Center for International Programs", which is the official administrator of "Bolashak" scholarship, and Shanghai International Studies University in the territory of this institution the first China's "Center of Kazakhstan" has been opened.

An official launch of the Centre took place in the course of the ceremony, which was attended by the President of JSC "Center for International Programs" Gani Nygymetov and Ambassador of Kazakhstan to China Shahrat Nuryshev. According to the latter, "this move is a significant indication of the growing interest of China to Kazakhstan, to the Kazakh model of tolerance and economic development, the Kazakh language and culture."

He added "It is symbolic that the idea of creating a "Center of Kazakhstan" is emboided in Shanghai, the largest metropolis, technological and financial heart not only of China, but of the entire Asia. The city gave its name to SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organization" - Sh.Nuryshev said.

He also presented to the newly created Center a book entitled "We and You - the history of Kazakhstan and China." It includes article of 22 Chinese and Kazakh writers who are public figures and academics, diplomats.

According to participants of the opening ceremony, the "Center of Kazakhstan" will be a place where foreign students and the scientific community of China will be able to learn about the history, traditions and culture of the country and its achievements in the field of foreign and domestic policy, the economy.

In the near future it is planned to open in the center the department of the Kazakh language for foreign students. At the same time campaigns aimed at patriotic education of Kazakh students in the universities of Shanghai (currently their number is over 800) will be held here.

Shanghai International Studies University is today one of the leading universities in China that specializes in the preparation of translators and linguists to 23 world languages.


November 20 2015, 09:50

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