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“Why we should be thanking China for slowing down”, “Obama urges China to stop reclamation in South China Sea", "The end of the Nazarbayev dream", “Jolts felt in cities of Kazakhstan as magnitude-6.4 earthquake strikes Kyrgyzstan”,

2 582 просмотрs “Why we should be thanking China for slowing down" - The recent perils of not understanding the Chinese stock market have taken centre stage, and meaningful economic data points have been ignored, says LGBR Capital's Fen Sung. Images of farmers and housewives losing all their savings appearing on the internet, led to inaccurate fears of the dying Chinese consumer. In actual fact, less than 15% of the average household's financial assets are invested in the stock market, which helps explain why the recent roller coaster market has not had a dramatic effect on China's consumption figures. “Obama urges China to stop reclamation in South China Sea" - US President Barack Obama has said that China must stop reclaiming land in the disputed South China Sea. His comments come during a visit to the Philippines for the Asia-Pacific summit. Following a meeting with Philippine President Benigno Aquino, on the sidelines of an Asia-Pacific summit on Wednesday, Obama said he looked forward to working with all claimants to the resource-rich waterway to resolve their disputes. China claims most of the South China Sea, but Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Taiwan have rival claims in the region.“Jolts felt in cities of Kazakhstan as magnitude-6.4 earthquake strikes Kyrgyzstan"- - An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 occurred in Kyrgyzstan on November 17 at 11.29 PM, the Seismology Institute under the National Academy of Science of Kyrgyzstan said. The Experimental Methodical Seismological Station of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan said that the tremors in Kyrgyzstan were felt some parts of Kazakhstan. "The end of the Nazarbayev dream" - Kazakhstan's networked authoritarianism is a powerful system of media control, but it leaves little room for the regime to manoeuvre. After a visit to Almaty's Children Hospital in September, Ainura Seitakyn, a young mother from Kazakhstan's southern capital, was fed up with the dismal condition of the hospital toilets. She returned home and, like most people these days, posted at length on Facebook, including photographic evidence of the hospital's poor sanitary facilities. Seitakyn's posts quickly went viral, and the pictures began to be shared by social media users in Kazakhstan, even reaching Baurzhan Baibek,the newly appointed (and increasingly popular) governor of the Almaty city administration.

November 18 2015, 02:07

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