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2017 will become a Year of Chinese tourism in Kazakhstan

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Image 0The 8th meeting of Subcommittee on cooperation in safety of the Kazakhstan-Chinese committee on cooperation and also political consultations between foreign policy departments of two countries took place in Beijing.

At the meeting of the Subcommittee, the parties discussed the main directions of the Kazakhstan-Chinese cooperation in safety and defense, topical international and regional issues and the plan of further work. Following the results of the meeting, the Protocol is signed, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan reported.

According to information the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Kazakhstan delegation, the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Kazakhstan Askar Musinov headed, the Chinese delegation – the deputy minister of foreign affairs of the People's Republic of China Cheng Guoping.

During the interforeign Ministry consultations of the party raised the questions of interface of New economic policy "Nurly Zhol" with the Chinese initiative "Economic belt of the Silk way", some aspects of interaction within the international organizations, in the consular sphere, etc.


November 13 2015, 11:04

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