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Kazakhstan brand estimated at $87 billion

3 973 просмотрs

British consulting company Brand Finance has made a rating of Top 100 national brands of 2012, writes.

Kazakhstan brand is ranked 52nd. The experts estimated it at $87 billion, noting the brand’s positive dynamics.

The list is led by the United States. According to Brand Finance, USA brand costs $14.6 trillion. The second place is given to China with $4.8 trillion for the brand. It is followed by Germany; its brand costs $3.9 trillion.

Russia is ranked 11th. Its brand was evaluated at $1.6 trillion.

Poland, Ukraine, Switzerland, China and Argentina have the most dynamically growing national brands in terms of their cost. Australia is the most attractive brand for tourism. Singapore has the highest investment attractiveness. Switzerland is the best brand in terms of work and education. The United States are best in using its brand for promotion of goods and services.

September 6 2012, 17:18

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