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Kazakhstan signs contract on uranium supply to France

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Image 0The Kazakh National Atomic Company «Kazatomprom» and the French company «Électricité de France» (EDF) have executed a contract for the supply of natural uranium, the company said.

This contract continues a long-term relationship, which started 10 years ago, according to the message of the company.

Kazatomprom is going to supply 4,500 tons of natural uranium concentrates to France in the period from 2021 to 2025, according to the contract.

«Électricité de France» is the world's largest operator of nuclear power plants.

Besides, during the visit Kazatomprom's CEO Askar Zhumagaliyev met with Philippe Knoche, AREVA chief executive officer to discuss the implementation of the joint projects and further development of cooperation in the nuclear industry.

Kazatomprom is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for export of uranium and its compounds, rare metals, nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants, special purpose equipment, technologies and double-use materials.

The main activities of the company are: geological exploration, uranium production, manufacture of nuclear fuel cycle products, reactor construction, nuclear power plants, production of construction materials, the electric energy sector, science, social security and personnel training. Kazatomprom is amongst the leading uranium producing companies in the world.


November 6 2015, 15:58

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