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Body of 20-y.o. man who set himself on fire in front of Nur Otan party building was laid to rest

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The body of 20-year-old Erlan Bektibaev who on October 24 set himself on fire in front of "Nur Otan" presidential party building in Taraz and later died in city hospital, was laid to rest in the village where his father lives in Aksukent village in the South Kazakhstan oblast.


Abdulla Bektibaev refused to comment on the death of his son, Erlan Bektibaev.

According to his uncle Zharkynbai Zhanabaev, the relatives learned about Erlan's death on October 24 about nine o'clock in the evening.

— We didn't know what was going on. He never told us and lived his own life. He was a very good, balanced young man",- said Zharkynbai.

Zharkynbay said that he saw the video where

Erlan Bektibaev says his last words blaming the police and sets himself on fire.

— We are absolutely done in and have no energy to complain about police officers. As they say, life of the poor is in shelter, and it's all in God's hands — say the relatives of the deceased.


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Video with Erlan Bektibaev's self-immolation video appeared on YouTube on October 24. On video called "Self-immolation in front of "Nur Otan" in Taraz" Erlan Bektibaev says: "Today is October 24, 2015. We are in downtown Taraz. It is about 10am … I wanted to say to you the following. On May 7, 2015 unknown persons shot Daniyar Raimbaev. In the morning about 10am on October 22, I left my house and went to run errands to state social security office in Taraz ... There the police officers planted hashish drugs on me... The employee of the department, operational officer called Samat started interrogating me on the issue of Raimbaev and started to put pressure... But I was released from prison on June 4. I came here hoping that now "Nur Otan" will help me. I have no place to go and there is nobody whom I can address. I am an orphan. My mother died. My father lives with another family. Therefore I will make suicide. I am disappointed in life, I don't want to live any moew" - said Erlan Bektibaev.

Then Erlan Bektibaev takes the bottle from his inside chest pocket, pours liquid over himself and sets himself on fire. While burning, he runs inside “Nur Otan" party office.

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On another video that was shot inside the building, one can see how he is burning. Young man who made a self-arson was taken to city hospital where died on October 24.

Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan reported that immediately "for comprehensive clarification of circumstances of the event the materials of this fact have been registered in Unified Register of pre-judicial investigations and investigation has been entrusted to the special prosecutor of Zhamby Oblast".

The representative of the press service of Nur Otan party Zhasulan Abdikhalyk on his Facebook page writes that "the native of Uzbekistan who was registered in Aksukent village of Sairam District of South Kazakhstan Oblast "earlier never asked for help in public receptions of the regional and city branches of the party".

"Nur Otan" representative also noted that Erlan Bektibaev "was tried before for serious crimes, and also repeatedly was detained during operational search actions by police of Taraz for storage of narcotic substances".

Image 1According to the reference book on lawsuits of the Supreme Court, under the sentence of the court dated June 4, 2015 Erlan Bektibaev living in the city of Taraz (the citizen of Kazakhstan, has secondary education, unemployed, single), was arrested on February 14 of this year. As it appears from the materials of the court, Erlan Bektibaev inflicted several knife wounds to the student of Taraz chemical-technological college and disappeared from the scene. Several days later, states the sentence, he stole mobile phone from the woman in the bus in Almaty. Almaly district court of Almaty city found him guilty and sentenced to three years and eight months of imprisonment.

Source: Photo 1: Erlan Bektibaev seconds before his death. Screenshot from video in YouTube. Photo2: On screenshot from video - burning Erlan Bektibaev runs into “Nur Otan" party building in Taraz. Photo 3: Erlan Bektibaev's funeral.

Translated by Zeena Urynbassarova

October 27 2015, 11:46

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