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​Six interesting facts about Kazakhstan-Qatar bilateral relations

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Image 0As reported earlier, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev arrived yesterday in Qatar for an official visit where he is planning to meet with the leadership and business communities of this country.

The press service of Akorda published six interesting facts from the history of the Kazakhstan-Qatar bilateral relations on its Facebook page:

1. The diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Qatar were established on July 1, 1993.

2. N. Nazarbayev paid his first visit to Qatar in May 1998.

3. The return visit of Emir of the State of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani took place a year later.

4. Qatar made a financial contribution to the construction of the Nur Astana Islamic Cultural Centre decorating the left bank of the capital city today.

5. Nursultan Nazarbayev is the holder of the highest award of the State of Qatar - The Collar of Independence.

6. The first bureau of Qatar's Al Jazeera TV channel was opened in Almaty.


October 26 2015, 12:16

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