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“Liquid water found on Mars: NASA”, “Forum devoted to 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate first held in Europe”, “Verbal duel: How Putin & Obama sparred at UN”, “China invested more than $30 bln in oil and gas sector of Kazakhstan – Sinopec”, “Proved

1 194 просмотрs “Liquid water found on Mars: NASA” - Scientists have discovered the strongest evidence yet that "flowing liquid water" exists on Mars, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said Monday morning. Imaging instruments aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter identified evidence of "hydrated minerals" called perchlorates that have formed streaks on slopes on Mars' surface, the agency said. “Forum devoted to 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate first held in Europe" - Today in the Hungarian capital Budapest has begun a conference devoted to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. The event is organized by the International Turkic Academy. Europe's first forum dedicated to the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate was supported by Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Kazinform has learnt from “Verbal duel: How Putin & Obama sparred at UN" - The speeches delivered by President Barack Obama and President Vladimir Putin at the UN General Assembly highlight the degree of divisions the two counties have in their views of international politics. RT picked some quotes.

kaztag. China invested more than $30 bln in oil and gas sector of Kazakhstan – Sinopec" - China has invested more than $30 bln into Kazakhstani oil and gas sector, said Wang Yupu, chairman of Sinopec Corporation. "Let's refer to the example of the Chinese-Kazakhstani cooperation in the oil and gas field: by the end of 2014 the Chinese companies invested into 25 joint projects in Kazakhstan totally more than $30 bln," he said at Kazenergy-2015 forum.
He said a full industrial chain has been formed, including prospecting and development of oil and gas fields, gasmains production, oil processing, engineering-technical servicing.

“Proved oil reserves estimated to 30 bln barrels in Kazakhstan" - The proved oil reserves of Kazakhstan are estimated to 30 bln barrels, said Albert Rau, Vice Minister on Investments and Development. "You know, there are very good perspectives in Kazakhstan- big stocks in the oil and gas sector. These oil stocks are estimated to approximately 30 bln barrels. Geologists believe this figure may grow," he said at Kazenergy forum. "As you know we are uranium leaders in the world, including on the volume of production and stocks. Of course, it must work for the benefit of our state and people," he added.

“Approximately 11 000 hectares of land of military ranges of Kazakhstan to be withdrawn from Russian rent"- Approximately 11 000 hectares of land of the military ranges will be withdrawn from the rent of Russia and transferred to Kazakhstan, said Okas Saparov, Vice Minister of Defense. "We have signed a bilateral protocol with Russia on reduction of land areas. It will pass through the Government and come to the Parliament for ratification. Until the end of the year we will complete this arrangement," he said. “Apprxomately 11 thousand hectares from all the ranges, i.e. land areas, reserves necessary for Kazakhstan will be withdrawn from rent," he added.

September 29 2015, 17:41

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