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​Kurban-Ait (Feast of Sacrifice) will begin on September 24

3 473 просмотрs

By Murat Sultangaliev

Image 0On September 24, the main Muslim holiday – Kurba-Ait will be started. This day, Thursday, will be a non-working day in Kazakhstan.

During the briefing at "Zhaik-Akparat" press club the chief imam of the region Batyrzhan Mansurov (on photo) congratulated all inhabitants of the region with the upcoming holiday.

The holiday will begin on September 24 at 8am in the morning with ait-prayer. After the ait-prayer the Muslims can start the feast of sacrifice. One of the following four animals could be sacrificed – a sheep, a goat, a cow or a camel. This could be done during on 24, 25, 26 (including night time) and on September 27 (till 5pm). It is considered that the one who performed kurban-shala (sacrifice), will ensure a well-being for his/her family.

Animal meat then should be divided into three parts: the owner keeps one part to himself, the second part should be given to friends, neighbors and relatives, the third part – to the needy.

The imam Mansurov informed that in the central mosque of Atyrau they installed felt house (yurta) where they put deep freezes. So, those who slaughtered animals can bring one part for the needy to the Mosque. Distribution of sacrificial meat for the needy will take place on September 25 at 4pm in the yard of the central mosque. The mosque has the list of about 500 needy families.

The imam Mansurov also said rumors that it is not allowed to bargain during purchasing of sacrificial animals at cattle markets are baseless. "It is allowed to bargain", – the chief imam of the region said.

On September 24 at 9 o'clock on the territory of the central mosque festive sport events will take place such as Kazak Kures (Kazakh wrestling), kettlebell lifting, pulling of rope - tug-of-war and armwrestling. Winners will be presented with prizes.

Photo taken by Tamara Sukhomlinova

September 22 2015, 11:34

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