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“Kazakhstanis go to Europe to deal with obesity”, “Pentagon updates plans for war with 'potentially aggressive' Russia – media”, “Over 5 thousand citizens from Central Asia and Russia fighting alongside IS”,

1 209 просмотрs “Kazakhstanis go to Europe to deal with obesity" - Kazakhstanis go to Europe for treatment of obesity, Doctor of Medical Sciences Oral Ospanov informed at the CCS media briefing. He noted that obesity is the cause of many other socially dangerous diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and even oncological diseases. He also stressed that surgical treatment of obesity is a way out for many people. “Pentagon updates plans for war with 'potentially aggressive' Russia – media"- The Pentagon is reportedly reviewing and updating its contingency plans for a war with Russia for the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union, with a defense official telling US media that Russia's “actions" prompted the assessment. “Over 5 thousand citizens from Central Asia and Russia fighting alongside IS" - More than 5 thousand citizens from Russia and Central Asia are fighting alongside the Islamic State, said the First Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service, Sergey Smirnov, after the meeting of Regional Antiterrorist Structure of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO RATS) in Tashkent.

September 21 2015, 15:36

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