Atyrau, July 27 05:20
 clearВ Атырау +25
$ 474.83
€ 515.38
₽ 5.50

​Rate of dollar sale increased to 197.49 tenge in currency exchangers of Almaty

2 175 просмотрs

Image 0The rate of dollar sale has increased to 197.49 tenge in the currency exchangers of Almaty, said KazTAG's reporter.

The branch of Sberbank located in Dostyk avenue had 196.5 tenge per dollar rate.
MiG currency exchanger was selling dollars for 191 tenge per $1, and purchasing for 189 tenge, Limpopo - 189.1 and 188.1 appropriately.
The currency exchangers of Kazkommertsbank were selling dollars for 196 tenge.
Bank CenterCredit sells dollars under 194/5 tenge rate and purchases for 192.5 tenge, Halyk Bank - 196.62 tenge and 197.49 tenge, the Eurasian Bank- 195.5 and 197.4 tenge.

Source: KazTAG

August 19 2015, 11:44

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