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SA court told Serik Eliby denies murdering his wife, and reports indicate possible mental illness

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Image 1AN international expert in genetically modified crops has denied murdering his academic wife, with his lawyers claiming he has a mental illness.

Serik Eliby, 53, today appeared via videolink, and with the assistance of a Russian interpreter, in the Adelaide Magistrates Court.

He pleaded not guilty to having murdered his wife, Ainur Ismagul, at their Klemzig home in February this year.

Counsel for Eliby said they had psychological reports indicating their client was suffering from a mental illness at the time of the alleged offence.

Eliby was remanded in custody to face the Supreme Court next month.

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Eliby and Ms Ismagul were distinguished academics and part of an Adelaide-based team researching genetically modified crops, particularly wheat and barley.

They have two children and have lived and worked in plant research around the globe in countries including Ukraine, Canada, Germany and Hungary before settling in Adelaide.

Eliby has been held at James Nash House since April.

Source: Photo 1: Serik Eliby, who is accused of murdering his wife. Photo 2: Ainur Ismagul, who was found dead at her Klemzig home in February. Serik Eliby, who is accused of murdering his wife.

August 17 2015, 16:55

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