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“Kazakhstan's accession to the WTO”, “Advantages and disadvantages of Kyrgyzstan's accession into EEU", “New legit Belarus moonshine promises to 'clear your head',

3 540 просмотрs “Kazakhstan's accession to the WTO"- Kazakhstan has signed a protocol on accession to the WTO and will be an official member of the WTO on the 30th day after the ratification by Parliament of Kazakhstan. The ratification of the accession package by Kazakhstan's Parliament is expected by 31 October 2015 and Kazakhstan will become a full-fledged member 30 days after it notifies the WTO of the ratification. “Advantages and disadvantages of Kyrgyzstan's accession into EEU" - The customs border between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan has been officially lifted with the accession of Kyrgyzstan into the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) on August 12. The order to open the borders was given at the official ceremony through a teleconference by two presidents Nursultan Nazarbayev and Almazbek Atambayev. “New legit Belarus moonshine promises to 'clear your head'- Brewing moonshine at home is illegal in tightly controlled Belarus and up to now it has only been legally produced on a small scale in some open-air folk museums which sell bottles as souvenirs. Brewed illicitly by generations of villagers in ex-Soviet Belarus, a legal version of the country's notoriously fiery samogon moonshine has now gone into mass production. Traditionally drunk with pickles and pig fat, the makers promise the new liquor will have the drink's authentic kick and taste. But they insist it comes without the risk of blindness or even death that can sometimes be the by-product of a badly brewed batch of bootleg alcohol.

August 17 2015, 10:19

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