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Female frontier guards in Atyrau sacked over kissing

3 285 просмотрs

By Saule Tasboulatova

Image 0A trial over two female border guards illegally fired from service started proceedings in Atyrau city court. During the first day of hearings the claimants confirmed that they lost work because of a scandalous video.

Female frontier guards, the intimate scene between whom was recorded on surveillance camera and then widespread through social networks, worked on a contract basis at a military unit #2201 “g" of the Border service of RoK National Security Committee (KNB). The unit administration dismissed them on May 6, 2015. The official reason was - "absence at a workplace during 3 and more hours without good reason".

However, according to the claimants' lawyer Aslan Zholbolov, the actual reason of their dismissal was that scandalous video. According to Zholbolov, the intimate scene was recorded on May 5 at 18:54 by surveillance cameras of the North Caspian oil spills response base (SKEBR), located near Damba village. The owner of the base is KazMunayGas company, the tenant - NCOC.

According to the lawyer, the first hearing was very difficult and lasted nearly four hours. The next court hearing is scheduled for August 25.

August 12 2015, 12:10

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