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“Kazakhstan discovers outdoor opera; Verdi's Aida comes first”, “Seoul: North Korean leader has so far executed 70 officials”, “Jeb Bush: People Need to Work Longer Hours”, “Beyond To Kill a Mockingbird: The lost novel of Harper Lee”, “How the Greek and C

1 216 просмотрs “Kazakhstan discovers outdoor opera; Verdi's Aida comes first” - Kazakhstan is discovering outdoor opera. Giuseppe Verdi's Aida opera was presented on the square in front of the Pyramid in Astana on July 1. The stage was assembled in front of the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, nicknamed the Pyramid by the locals. The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev attended the open-air opera performance.“Seoul: North Korean leader has so far executed 70 officials"Seoul: North Korean leader has so far executed 70 officials" - Young North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has executed 70 officials since taking power in late 2011 in a "reign of terror" that far exceeds the bloodshed of his dictator father's early rule, South Korean officials said Thursday. “Jeb Bush: People Need to Work Longer Hours" - Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said Wednesday that in order to grow the economy “people should work longer hours" -- a comment that the Bush campaign argues was a reference to underemployed part-time workers but which Democrats are already using to attack him. “Beyond To Kill a Mockingbird: The lost novel of Harper Lee"- The literary world is poised for what many are calling the biggest book event of the decade, the July 14 publication of Harper Lee's long lost first novel Go Set a Watchman. Lee has not published a book since 1960, when she wrote To Kill a Mockingbird. The novel was an instant sensation, won the 34-year-old author a Pulitzer Prize and was later made into an Academy Award-winning movie. Fans gave up long ago on the hope that it would be followed by a second book, and Lee herself reportedly told friends she could never complete another novel. When the lost manuscript, the precursor to Mockingbird, was found, anticipation reached a fever pitch — as did concern over the author's true wishes. “How the Greek and Chinese Crises Are Linked" - At first sight, there is little to connect the ugliness in China and Greece. The former reflects the unwinding of a market bubble; and the latter is driven by weak and deteriorating economic and financial fundamentals. Yet both share a common element, and they are not the only ones: They have benefited from the ultra-loose experimental policies that have been pursued by major central banks around the world.

July 9 2015, 15:12

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