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​At least 30 injured in 'free-for-all' fight between Kazakh and Chinese workers of Aktogay mine in East Kazakhstan

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Image 0More than 30 people, including Chinese citizens, were injured in a 'free-for-all' fight that occurred on the territory of the Aktogay mine in East Kazakhstan region, the authorities said.

The police of East Kazakhstan region said that the conflict started at the dining room of the mine on July 8 after one of the workers of the mine punched the cook for “poor quality meal."

The police managed to stop the gang fight.

As a result, 1 security guard and 30 workers, 21 of them citizens of China, were hospitalized in Ayagoz village and Ust-Kamenogorsk city.

Pre-trial investigation into “hooliganism" was carried out.

“At the moment, the situation is stable and under control," the police said.

Aktogay is a large open mine in the south-east of Kazakhstan, about 250 km from the Kazakh-Chinese border. The field is being developed by KAZ Minerals PLC.


July 9 2015, 13:09

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