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“Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration, helps fight cancer”, “Hillary Clinton: "2016 presidential campaign is my 'last rodeo', 'I have to work a lot harder' in Russia than at NSA – Edward Snowden", “Man labels himself 'drug lord & rapist' after Trump's

1 244 просмотрs “Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration, helps fight cancer"- Medical studies and research for new methods in the treatment of chronic diseases suggests that fasting could help combat cancer and boost effectiveness of treatment. “Hillary Clinton says 2016 presidential campaign is her 'last rodeo'- The 2016 presidential campaign is just starting to heat up, but Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has already declared that her latest campaign is her 'last rodeo' in politics. Clinton made the comment on Tuesday while addressing voters in Iowa City. At the campaign stop, she said that she hopes her campaign will inspire other Americans to go into public service and to help improve the country's future.

'I have to work a lot harder' in Russia than at NSA – Edward Snowden" - Whistleblower Edward Snowden says he has been working harder and doing more significant things while in exile in Russia than he did while being a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA).

“Man labels himself 'drug lord & rapist' after Trump's anti-immigrant rant (VIDEO)" - An hispanic man has challenged Donald Trump's comments about Mexican immigrants in a video experiment posted online. He donned handcuffs and stood blindfolded with a sign “Meet an immigrant. Do you really see me as a drug lord, rapist, criminal?" 'Don't let Europe split' - Greek PM - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has called for the European Union to avoid division, as indebted Greece struggles to stay in the euro. In a sometimes stormy debate in the European Parliament, he said: "Let's not let Europe be divided". Greece must present new proposals by the end of Thursday to reach a deal with creditors, before a full European Union summit on Sunday.

July 8 2015, 14:28

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