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​Peace Corps volunteer Janet Givens pens a bestseller about Kazakhstan

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Image 0A presentation of the book by former Peace Corps volunteer Janet Givens At Home on the Kazakh Steppe: A Peace Corps Memoir was held by the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Washington DC last night. It coincided with the celebration of the 17th annual Astana Day.

Janet Givens was invited to join nearly 100 guests at the embassy for the celebrations and talk about her life in Kazakhstan in early 2000s. The author recalled her years in Kazakhstan and talked about the unique traits that Kazakhstani people have - hospitality, openness and friendliness.

"Such a great evening at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Washington DClast night. My thanks to Nurgali Arystanov for organizing it and to Ambassador Umarov for helping to make me feel so welcome. The crowd of nearly 100 asked some of the most challenging and important questions I've gotten and it was a thrill to engage with them and help celebrate the 17th annual Astana Day," Givens wrote on her Facebook page.

It is worth mentioning that the memoir penned by Janet Givens won the 2015 Moritz Thomsen Peace Corps Experience Award. The book has also become one of Amazon's bestsellers.

A grandmother to five, Janet Givens currently lives in Vermont, U.S. with her husband and dog Sasha.


July 3 2015, 10:42

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