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Security Council slams assassination of Egypt's top prosecutor

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Image 0UN Security Council on Monday condemned "in the strongest terms" the cowardly assassination of the Egyptian Public Prosecutor General Hisham Barakat, according to a press statement of the council.

A terrorist bombing attack targeted the convoy of the prosecutor Monday, which led to his death and severe injuries of many other victims, said the statement.

"The members of the Security Council extended their condolences to the family of the victim and their sympathy to all those injured in this heinous attack, as well as to the people and the Government of Egypt," said the statement.

The members of the Security Council underlined the need to bring perpetrators of this reprehensible act of terrorism to justice, said the statement.

Nine other people were injured in the blast that targeted the country's top prosecutor.

The bombing came after Sinai-based Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis militant group, an affiliate of the Islamic State regional militant group, posted a video clip on Monday purportedly showing attacks in May that killed two judges and a prosecutor.

Source: xinhua On photo: General Hisham Barakat.

June 30 2015, 15:50

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