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"Expensive espresso: Thailand's elephant dung coffee", “New app helps EU citizens settle in country of choice”, “Reverting to Drachma May Send Greek Currency at Least 40% Lower

1 296 просмотрs "Expensive espresso: Thailand's elephant dung coffee"- In the lush, green hills of northern Thailand, a woman painstakingly picks coffee beans out of a pile of elephant dung, an essential part of making one the world's most expensive beverages. This remote corner of Thailand bordering Myanmar and Laos is better known for drug smuggling than coffee, but Blake Dinkin decided it was perfect for a legitimate enterprise that blends conservation with business. “New app helps EU citizens settle in country of choice"- When it comes to deciding where you want to live and work in Europe, EU citizens enjoy freedom of choice. However, some barriers still exist, especially with regards to language, legislation and regulations. When they move to a new country, people face many challenges, with questions like “How do I register?", “How can I rent an apartment?" or “How do I open a bank account?"

“What is driving the surge in terrorism in Tunisia?"- The recent increase in terrorism inTunisia has been attributed to a number of factors. Among those are: a widening rift between Sunni and Shia Muslims; underdevelopment and poverty in many Arab countries; western intervention in the Middle East; and a perceived lack of constructive religious education. Imam Ibrahim Al-Jaledi works in Tunis, the Tunisian capital. He is among those who believe radicalisation could be prevented with better religious teaching. “Reverting to Drachma May Send Greek Currency at Least 40% Lower” - should the nation replace the euro with its erstwhile currency, according to analysts. “Initially there would be a massive selloff, something in the region of 30 to 40 percent depreciation against the dollar,” said Neil Jones, head of hedge-fund sales at Mizuho Bank Ltd. in London. “We will get fresh all-time lows” for the drachma, he said.

June 29 2015, 10:03

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