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“Nokia CEO says to get back into phones: Manager Magazin”, "Kazakhstan becomes 162nd WTO member", “Putin 'saved my life': Yanukovych”, “Japan sends youngsters for digital detox”

1 163 просмотрs “Nokia CEO says to get back into phones: Manager Magazin" - Nokia, once the world's biggest maker of mobile phones, plans to start designing and licensing handsets again once an agreement with partner Microsoft allows it to in 2016, its chief executive told Germany's Manager Magazin. "We will look for suitable partners," Rajeev Suri said in an interview published on Thursday. "Microsoft makes mobile phones. We would simply design them and then make the brand name available to license." "Kazakhstan becomes 162nd WTO member" - Kazakhstan has officially become the 162nd member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), it was announced on Monday. The country applied to become a member when the organisation was set up in 1965. Terms were negotiated with WTO members on June 10 and the draft accession package was approved at a meeting on June 22. President Nursultan Nazarbayev said negotiations had taken 19 years, and the country's government had worked tirelessly to achieve its aim. “Putin 'saved my life': Yanukovych" - Former Ukraine president Viktor Yanukovych has thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for "saving my life" during the bloody demonstrations that led to his ouster. Yanukovych, currently exiled in Russia, told the BBC that he would like to return to Ukraine one day and blamed the country's plight on the demonstrators who occupied Kiev's Maidan Square -- the focal point of the uprising against his rule. Japan sends youngsters for digital detox” - With more than 500,000 internet addicts, government sponsors programmes to get teenagers offline. Over 500,000 Japanese teenagers are thought to be addicted to the internet. The government has begun a digital detox programme to try and deal with the increasing problem.

June 22 2015, 16:38

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