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​The $10 Bill Will Finally Put A Female Face On U.S. Dollars

1 788 просмотрs

Image 0U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced on Wednesday (June 17) that a woman's face will be featured on the $10 bill in the year 2020 — to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution which afforded women the right to vote.

A decision on which woman will be chosen for the fiscal feature has not yet been made, but the Department would like the public to weigh in with their two cents on social media using the hashtag #TheNew10, submitting candidates who fulfill the criteria of (1) being deceased and (2) having been “a champion for our inclusive democracy."

Thus far, such submissions have included everyone from Civil Rights icon Rosa Parks to Harriet Tubman to former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.


June 18 2015, 10:56

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