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​Kazakhstan announces contest for foreign journalists

1 176 просмотрs

Image 0The Union of Jounalists of Kazakhstan in partnership with the Kazakh Foreign Ministry is seeking submissions from foreign journalists for insightful, professional reporting on the Central Asian nation.

The contest is open to reporters from North and South America; Europe; CIS countries; Africa and the Middle East; Asia, Australia and Oceania, the journalists union said in a statement.

One winning journalist is to be selected from each region, and articles are to be judged by a panel that includes Union of Journalists members, the statement said.

Applicants may be journalists representing foreign print and online media, and freelancers, as well as individuals with an interest in Kazakhstan.

Each candidate should submit an article of 1,500 words or less that has been published in English or Russian covering one or more of the following topics as they relate to Kazakhstan: economy and trade; culture and traditions; history; and tourism and contemporary society, the statement said.

Submissions should be sent to before June 30, 2015.

Winners are to be flown to Kazakhstan and are to receive free accommodations and transportation inside the country, the statement said.

Included in the trip is a tour of the capital, Astana, and the former capital, Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan.

Along with the tours and several planned cultural programs, winners are to meet with Kazakh officials and journalists, as well as movers and shakers from the world of science and culture, the journalists union said.


June 9 2015, 10:17

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