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“Diplomatic mission of Kazakhstan launches in Serbia”, “Thousands celebrate historic India-Bangladesh border pact”, “New EBRD Projects in KZ Reflect Progress - Bank President", “Mongolian ethno-rock and Tuvan throat singing conclude first day at The Spir

1 379 просмотрs “Diplomatic mission of Kazakhstan launches in Serbia" - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Alexey Volkov within his working visit to the Republic of Serbia on June 3-5 attended the opening ceremony of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Belgrade. During his stay in Belgrade, Volkov met President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic, Minister of Trade of Serbia Racim Ljajic, Minister of Justice of Serbia Nikola Selakovic, Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Irinej. “New EBRD Projects Reflect Progress in the EBRD, Kazakh Cooperation, Says Bank President" - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed four more deals to cooperate on projects in public services and transport on June 3, during EBRD President Sir Suma Chakrabarti's trip to the Kazakh capital. These are all projects that involve reform, Chakrabarti commented, and really symbolise the nature of EBRD and Kazakhstan's cooperation. “These projects are good in their own right," the EBRD president said in an interview with this newspaper June 4, “but they're quite symbolic of, I think, reform and change and modernisation, in mindset as well as in reality on the ground." “Thousands celebrate historic India-Bangladesh border pact"- Thousands living near the Bangladesh-India border celebrated Sunday an historic agreement that will allow them to choose their nationality after decades of stateless limbo, AFP reports. Poor villagers living in border enclaves waved Bangladeshi flags, held street parades and broke down in tears after Saturday's ratification of the deal covering parts of the border along India's eastern flank. “Mongolian ethno-rock and Tuvan throat singing conclude first day at The Spirit of Tengri” - The first day of The Spirit of Tengri 2015 has ended with performances of the legendary throat singer from Tuva Radik Tylyush with the Chalma project and Chinese rock band Hanggai. The performance of the Tuvan throat singer was one of the highly anticipated at the festival. Tylyush came to Kazakhstan in 2014 for the first time. This year, the singer brought Chalma band with him. Throat singing was accompanied by ancient Tuvan stringed instruments igile, byzanchi and doshpuluur. The Tuvan songs performed by Tyulyush were composed by different nations living in different territories, including those of contemporary Kazakhstan and Mongolia.

June 9 2015, 10:17

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