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​Unified National Testing started in Kazakhstan

1 570 просмотрs

Image 0The Unified National Testing started Kazakhstan. It will be held from June 2 through June 8, 2015.

As the press service of the Ministry of Education informs, 87 782 children submitted their applications for participation in the Unified National Testing, this is 71% of the total number of school leavers of this year. The school leavers who studied within a 12-year education system will be taking part in the tests for the first time. Special tests were compiled for them, the Ministry of Education and Science informs.

Preparation for the Unified National Testing was monitored by the Executive Office of the President and Prime Minister's Office.

Since 2004, 1 million 422 thousand school leavers have taken part in the Unified National Testing, which is 80% of the total number of school leavers of 11 years.

June 2 2015, 11:37

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