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"Tulpar - Talgo" personnel learn English

1 425 просмотрs

Image 0140 employees have received the language certificates, another 100 are taking training.

In the educational center for training of service personnel "Tulpar - Talgo" the trains conductors and masters received certificates of completion of a specialized course of English, reports with reference to the press service of the JSC "Passenger transportations".

"As part of the first phase of a comprehensive plan to improve the quality of passenger services in the trains "Tulpar - Talgo", 140 employees received the certificates. At present, the educational center is training more than 100 train conductors," - the press service informed.

The educational center for training the staff has the professional trainers and consultants who also conduct workshops on preparing the railroad personnel for the International exhibition "EXPO-2017".

Currently, the JSC "Passenger transportations" carries out the preparatory activities for introduction of new services for passengers of the trains "Tulpar - Talgo" in the second half of 2015.


May 14 2015, 16:35

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