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“Why Is John Kerry in Russia?”, “Man Surprises Parents Celebrating 50th Anniversary With Hawaii Dream Vacation”, “Olive tree disease in Italy alarms EU”, “Most boring things in life: Politicians top list ahead of queues, Kanye West and daytime TV"

1 293 просмотрs “Why Is John Kerry in Russia?" - Tuesday seemed like a particularly strange day for Secretary of State John Kerry to pay the highest-level U.S. visit to Russia in nearly two years. The ceasefire in Ukraine hasn't stopped the daily violence between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian troops. The Russian-backed regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria is reportedly dropping chlorine bombs on civilians again, despite a Russian-brokered deal requiring Syria to destroy its chemical-weapons stockpiles. And, earlier this week, the United States was the most prominent of Western countries to not to show up to Russia's Victory Day celebrations commemorating the end of World War II.

“Man Surprises Parents Celebrating 50th Anniversary With Hawaii Dream Vacation" - A Staten Island, New York, man surprised his parents with a vacation to Hawaii this Mother's Day for their 50th anniversary next month after learning they've always dreamed of going but believed they'd never see Hawaii in their lifetime because of the expense. Nick Raymond, 32, uploaded the heartwarming video of his parents' reaction to YouTube, and multiple users commented that the video made them tear up. “Olive tree disease in Italy alarms EU" - Brussels called for "complete vigilance" on Monday to stop the spread of a strain of bacteria killing olive trees in southern Italy, the European Union's second biggest producer of olive oil. “Most boring things in life: Politicians top list ahead of queues, Kanye West and daytime TV" - Most Brits find listening to ­ politicians the biggest bore in life, a poll reveals. More than half of those quizzed switch off party political broadcasts – and Ed Miliband and David Cameron were rated as dull in their own rights, along with the BBC's Question Time. Other TV entries included daytime shows Bargain Hunt and Loose Women, while Scrapheap Challenge and Gardener's World were also shown to tip Brits into tedium.

May 14 2015, 16:33

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