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Kazakhstan’s 2012 GDP growth expected at 5% by yearend - Prime Minister

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At today's government meeting Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Serik Akhmetov praised economic results of 2012, reports Kazinform.

"Today, we meet for the last time this year. Preliminary socio-economic results show positive dynamics in the country's development. Macroeconomic forecast is good. GDP growth is expected at 5%, investment in fixed capital - more than 3%, inflation - in the corridor of 6-6,2%. It's a good indicator for inflation over the past 10 years. In January- February, we will sum up the results and can predict what we're going to have in the first quarter of the next year," Akhmetov said.

According to him, the Government and the executive bodies will focus on the new Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050". The President has already signed the decree on the approval of the national plan for implementation of the strategy. "The task of public authorities, regional akims is to ensure its efficient implementation."

WKT citing Kazinform

December 25 2012, 15:13

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