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​Humanitarian aid from Atyrau

1 866 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Iskaliyeva

Image 1On April 24, Atyrau sent the second lot of humanitarian aid to flood victims of Karaganda oblast.

Having learned about the disaster that brought sufferings to many residents of Bukhar-Zhirau district of Karaganda oblast, active residents of Atyrau started to open humanitarian aid collection points wherever possible - in houses, offices and shops.

Currently all collection points are opened on the initiative of the activists and have been integrated into one campaign. Mayor's office, as well as Youth resource centre, are supporting the campaign.

Residents of Atyrau, volunteers from charitable organizations, from Atyrau regional corps of volunteers, the students of medical college are engaged in collection and sorting out of things. According to them, some people try to buy food items for children with small money that they have- for 2-3 thousand tenge they buy sweets, powdered baby milk, etc. The 10th part of items for children are absolutely new - in packs.

People bought a lot of new, unworn clothing items. The owners of neighboring shops as soon as they leant about the campaign, started to bring boxes full of food. In case there are unsuitable clothes, they are immediately disposed.

All boxes are accurately wrapped by tapes and marked: "New clothing for children", "Bed linen", "Flour - 10 kg", "Macaroni - 15 kg".

The staff of Atyrau branch of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent teach volunteers how to pack and mark the boxes correctly, so that it is easier for the receivers to sort them at the other end.

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- Parents and friends support us and they feel very proud that we try to help the victims, - say the volunteers Saltanat Kabdolla and Gaukhar Kuanova – one is the students of medical college and the latter is one of active organizers of the campaign.

On April 23 all boxes from all collection points have been accumulated in two points - at Sholokhov Street and Yablochny Drive. In total there was about 8 tons of humanitarian aid.

Emergency department, Mayor's office and private individuals provided transport for delivering cargo to the railway station.

- We are constantly keeping in touch with Karaganda region and currently the situation there is more or less regulated, although the residents still stay in temporary shelters, - says Aygul Kultanova, the head of local branch of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement.

The victims of Karaganda region still need canned food, macaroni, grain, salt, tinned milk, children's powdered milk and dry porridges, as well as items of hygiene: pampers, wet towel wipes, shampoos, soaps, detergents, bedding sheets, carpets, plaids and blankets.

Photo taken by Kanat Eleuov
April 24 2015, 15:52

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