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​Bridge under construction failed in Almaty, there are fatalities

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Image 0In Almaty a new bridge failed that was under construction at the Ryskulov and Sain avenues' crossing.

According to preliminary information, the rescuers are searching five people that could have remained under blockages. Another eight people were traumatized. It was reported that on the construction spot concrete was spilled. There were 50 - 55 people in total involved in the construction activities. Three rescue crews (16 people) including 6 cynologists are working at the site trying to rescue people.

Multi-level junction under construction is supposed to connect the Shopping Center “Domillion" and local Public Service Center (TsON). The threat remains that the structure may further collapse. Local government administration reported that the construction was carried out by “SK Bazis LLP" company.

Source: Photo and video: tengrinews

Translated by Zeena Urynbassarova

April 24 2015, 12:40

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