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Accreditation completed for observers at Kazakh presidential election

1 117 просмотрs

Image 0Kazakhstan on Apr. 20 completed the accreditation of observers from foreign countries, international organizations and foreign media for the presidential election to be held in the country on Apr. 26.

Over 1,000 observers have been accredited, said Kazakhstan's Central Election Commission (CEC) on Apr. 21.

“The upcoming election will be observed by 1,026 representatives of foreign states, international organizations and foreign media,” said the message of the CEC.

In total, Kazakhstan's CEC accredited 858 observers [excluding the media].

Some 293 of them are the representatives of the OSCE/ODIHR mission, 410 – the CIS mission, 10 – the SCO mission, 15 – the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States, 11 – the Parliamentary Assembly of the Turkic-Speaking Countries, three – the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and 116 observers from 37 other countries.

Aside from that, Kazakhstan's Foreign Ministry accredited 168 foreign media representatives from 37 countries.

Kazakhstan's incumbent president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist People's Party, Turgun Syzdykov, and the chairman of the Trade Unions Federation, Abelgazi Kusainov will be running for the president's position.


April 21 2015, 16:13

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