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“Kazakhstan: Scientists Alarmed at Pollution of Central Asia's Longest River", “Yes, Kazakhstan Has a Navy”, “US Blackwater guards jailed for Iraq deaths", “Syrian opposition asks Kazakhstan to mediate reconciliation talks”

1 315 просмотрs “Kazakhstan: Scientists Alarmed at Pollution of Central Asia's Longest River" - The waters of the Syr-Darya river are highly polluted and should not be used for irrigating crops, let alone for drinking, scientists from Kazakhstan have concluded. Tests of the waters of Central Asia's longest river – which flows for 2,200 kilometers through Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan – found dangerous concentrations of metals including chromium, copper, nickel, mercury, molybdenum, and zinc, the site quoted scientists from South Kazakhstan State University as saying. “Yes, Kazakhstan Has a Navy" - The landlocked Central Asian country's navy is celebrating its birthday this week. Kazakhstan's navy is celebrating its 22nd birthday this week, according to The Astana Times. While some sources cite 2003 as the date Kazakhstan's navy was established by presidential edict, others use the 1995 date The Astana Times cites. The differing dates stem from Kazakhstan's evolving naval personality, from a coast guard to a navy. “US Blackwater guards jailed for Iraq deaths" - A former Blackwater guard has been sentenced to life in prison and three others to 30 years over the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians in 2007. Nicholas Slatten and three others were convicted last year for the killings in Baghdad's crowded Nisoor Square. A further 17 Iraqis were injured as the private contractors opened fire to clear the way for a US convoy. “Syrian opposition asks Kazakhstan to mediate reconciliation talks" - Members of the Syrian opposition have officially requested Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev to mediate future reconciliation talks, according to a letter signed by seven opposition leaders. The letter, obtained by RIA Novosti Monday, welcomes Moscow's "efforts and insistence in reaching a political settlement in Syria" and asks for an "invitation to Kazakhstan in order to continue the efforts that had been initiated in Moscow."

April 14 2015, 11:19

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