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​Kazakhstan sees Iran as close political, economic partner - President Nazarbayev

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Image 0President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has met today with Foreign Minister of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif, Kazinform has learnt from the Akorda's press service.

At the meeting, the Kazakh President stressed that 'Kazakhstan sees Iran as its close political and economic ally'.

"I had trust-based working relationships with all Iranian leaders. Current Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and I met four times last year. Our countries have vast potential for cooperation. A lot is being done with the framework of the project on revival of the Great Silk Road. I am convinced that the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway will help solidify economic ties between the countries," the Head of State said.
Nursultan Nazarbayev went on to congratulate Minister Zarif on the results of negotiations in Lausanne reached thanks to fruitful work of the Iranian Foreign Ministry.

"Kazakhstan made its contribution to the solution of this issue as well. The agreements reached on key parameters offer hope for future," the President of Kazakhstan added.

The Iranian Foreign Minister, in turn, expressed gratitude to Nursultan Nazarbayev for assistance and support in holding the Iran and P5+1 talks and conveyed greetings from Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani.

Besides, Minister Zarif praised the high level of relations between the two nations.

"Kazakhstan and Iran are friendly nations sharing one history and culture. The two countries share common stance on many international and regional issues. Since Hassan Rouhani's visit to Kazakhstan, the level of commercial and economic cooperation between Iran and Kazakhstan has increased dramatically. We hope that Nursultan Nazarbayev's return visit to Iran will help strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries," he stressed.

April 14 2015, 09:30

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