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​The main factors that impede Kazakhstan WTO accession

2 117 просмотрs

Image 0The Chief Scientific Officer of JSC "Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies" (KISS) Dariya Mukhamedzhanova commented on the key factors affecting Kazakhstan's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in an interview to

According to the expert, the main factors which affect Kazakhstan's accession to WTO in modern times, conditionally divided into the following groups: WTO factors - the requirement for candidates to join organization; internal factors – the situation of the country joining WTO; external factors - the global political and economic environment.

"These factors impede the process of accession to WTO as follows: firstly, it is the need to implement WTO obligations. The main thing is to ensure free access of goods from developed countries, which means a loss of potential development of manufacturing industries, producing finished manufactures and is inconsistent with state policy on raw status modification of the national economy and implementation of GPFIIR tasks (first and second five-year periods of industrialization – author's note ). Second, it is the manifestation of industrial sector problems, the need to maintain national production and increase the competitiveness of domestic goods. However, in modern times Kazakhstan and its non-oil commodity market can not compete with the goods from WTO countries, " said the expert.

April 10 2015, 16:34

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