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Five citizens of Kazakhstan evacuated from Yemen, one to be evacuated

3 143 просмотрs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan commented the situation regarding the citizens of Kazakhstan in Yemen, the press service of the Foreign Affairs Ministry informs.

On April 4, five citizens of Kazakhstan were evacuated from Yemen with the assistance of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Oman on a plane of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia; Dastan Ospanov with his spouse and a child, Ilmira Akzhanova with a newborn baby.

Later on April 4, there was information received about one more citizen of Kazakhstan living in Sanaa Gulmira Sakhanova, who is permanently living in Yemen.

The Embassy of Kazakhstan in Oman was able to get in contact with her and her evacuation with the assistance of the Russian side is planned for tomorrow. Presently, she is safe.


April 6 2015, 09:30

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