Atyrau, January 20 06:56
dullВ Атырау 0
$ 530.12
€ 546.08
₽ 5.17


1 655 просмотрs

TERMS AND PROCEDURES FOR PLACEMENT OF PRINTING MATERIAL AREA IN “AKZHAIK” NEWSPAPER (including “Gorodskoy Park”, "Zhaik Samaly" enclosures and website for information support of early elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on April 26, 2015.

Note 1. Information support of elections includes informing voters and pre-election campaign, therefore, the prices specified below have no relation to prices for advertizing.

Note 2. Changes in page numbering would be possible depending on newspaper volume. All wishes on placement of candidates’ materials are considered if only there are available space; claims on obligatory placement of materials on a specific pages in case the costs are identical or on the arrangement on the page will not be accepted.

Campaign materials for publication should be  provided to the Newspaper in a finished form in the volume provided by item 3 of Art. 28 of the RoK constitutional Law "On Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan", signed by the person authorized for signing of the contract with the Newspaper for allocation of printing areas.

The Newspaper will refuse to publish campaign materials if they contain ideas of violent change of the constitutional system, violations of integrity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, undermining safety of the state, kindling of social, racial, national, religious, class and patrimonial discord, a cult of cruelty and violence, and also the establishment of military formations which aren't provided by the legislation.

The Newspaper has the right to refuse to publish campaign materials in case they contain information discrediting honor, dignity and business reputation of other registered candidates or other third parties.

The newspaper is released every Thursday.

Volumee – 160 - 192 pages, A3 format

Circulation - 8 000 copies.

One page includes 50 advertizing modules

Unit of measure – 1 module (17,5 sq. cm = height is 3,5 cm; width is 5 cm)


The cost of 1 module in information block of “Ak Zhik":

Page 1 page (full-color) - 18000 tenge

Pages 3-7, 10-15 (black-and-white) – 10800 tenge

Pages 8-9 (full-color) – 10800 tenge


The cost of 1 module in an information block "Gorodskoy Park" + "Zhaik Samaly":

Page 17 (full-color) - 18000 tenge

Pages 19-20, 30-31 (black-and-white) – 10800 tenge

Pages 24-25  (full-color) – 10800 temge

Page 32 (full-color) – 14400 tenge


The cost of 1 module in advertizing blocks:

Black-and-white advertizing (on internal pages) - 3800 tenge

Full-color (internal) - 4200 tenge

Full-color (external) - 5600 tenge

The last page (information) - 10800 tenge

Advertizing is accepted on electronic media + print out  


Graphic advertizing:

The raster – TIFF/JPEG format, resolution is 300 dpi,

The vector – version 12-Х5 CDR

Advertizing in Power Point format is not accepted.

The cost of the area on other pages that usually are not assigned for paid materials, if necessary, will be  discussed in an individual order and cannot exceed the limits specified above. 

All prices are specified without extra charges for urgency; extra charges are applied when materials are delivered and paid:

On Monday – 25% of an extra charge

On Tuesday – 50%

On Wednesday – 100%

On Thursday, Friday (one week prior to a release of number) extra charges for urgency aren't collected providing materials are delivered and paid on the same days or previously.

All materials paid on the above conditions and placed out of advertizing blocks are marked "as advertizing" on a mandatory basis.

The publishing of materials on website is made on the basis of additional payment of 50% of a total cost of placement in the newspaperю

Tel/fax: (7122) 27-22-26, 27-22-26, 8 701 777 83 31, 8 701 777 83 32

Address: 060011, Atyrau, 5 Zharbosynov St.


(Published in accordance with the requirements of the Constitutional Law "On Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the Recommendation of the Central Election Commitee for mass media)

March 4 2015, 16:49

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