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Zhazira Nurimbetova from Shymkent won the title of Miss Kazakhstan-2012

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Miss Kazakhstan-2012 Zhazira NurimbetovaThe final show of  Miss Kazakhstan-2012 pageant  was held at the Palace of Independence in Astana. Zhazira Nurimbetova from Shymkent won the title of Miss Kazakhstan-2012.

Now 21 year old beauty from Shymkent will represent Kazakhstan at Miss World - 2013.

 The competent jury of the event consisted of the head of Culture Department of Astana Akimat  Bolat Mazhagulov, Merited Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan and world renowned violin virtuoso Marat Bissengaliyev, Kazakhstan film director Farkhat Sharipov, designer and actor Bopesh Zhandayev and many others.

Fashion-consultant of the national pageant was a well-known Kazakh film director Saken Zhaksybaev.

WKT citing

December 8 2012, 23:28

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