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“Scandinavian team looking for Indo-Europeans in Kazakhstan”, “Kazakh ex-diplomat Aliyev, who for a time lived in Malta, found hanged in Austrian prison cell”, “Italian businessmen interested in establishing coop with partners from Kazakhstan”

1 274 просмотрs “Scandinavian team looking for Indo-Europeans in Kazakhstan” - A Scandinavian team has come to Kazakhstan in search of the common homeland of all Indo-European peoples, collecting bone fragments for analysis in the Centre for Geogenetics at the University of Copenhagen. “Kazakh ex-diplomat Aliyev, who for a time lived in Malta, found hanged in Austrian prison cell” - A former Kazakh diplomat who for a time lived in Malta and who faced murder charges in Austria was found hanged in his cell in Vienna Tuesday in an apparent suicide, a prison official said. Rakhat Aliyev was found Tuesday morning in the bathroom of his cell in Vienna's Josefstadt jail, prison director Peter Prechtl told the Austria Press Agency. “Italian businessmen interested in establishing coop with partners from Kazakhstan” - Last week, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Italy Andrian Elemesov made a working visit to the city of Pisa and Santa Croce sull' Arno, where he held meetings with the leadership of the province and business community of one of the major regions of Italy - Tuscany.


February 24 2015, 11:08

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