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“Natural monopolies legislation in Kazakhstan: a test case for developing market economies”, “Prospects of use of seaport of Konstanz for export of Kazakhstani energy products”, “Jupiter Energy shut-in production”, “Poroshenko gets backing of Ukraine’s s

1 240 просмотрs “Natural monopolies legislation in Kazakhstan: a test case for developing market economies” - The importance of so-called ‘natural monopolies’ in Kazakhstan can be seen in the fact that some of the country’s largest and most powerful corporate empires such as the electricity grid operator, the national oil transporter and the national railway company are officially subject to natural monopoly regulation. “Prospects of use of seaport of Konstanz for export of Kazakhstani energy products” - Romania is interested in closer cooperation with Kazakhstan in the energy sphere, the Minister of Energy of Romania told at the meeting with Kazakhstani Ambassador Daulet Batrashev in Bucharest. The sides discussed the issues of energy cooperation between the two countries including the prospects of the use of the seaport of Konstanz for the export of Kazakhstani energy products, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan informs. “Jupiter Energy shut-in production” - Kazakhstan-focused Jupiter Energy will be shutting-in all oil production from 1 March due to low domestic oil prices and low demand for feedstock by the Kazakh refineries. The company says that following the cessation of production the organisation will be restructured and certain oilfield related services will be reduced or terminated. These changes will lead to around a 40% reduction in running costs - an annual saving of more than $2m. Jupiter said: "The price of world oil has reduced dramatically over recent months. As a result the sales price being achieved for domestic oil in Kazakhstan has fallen to levels that make oil production from Block 31 uneconomic. Poroshenko gets backing of Ukraine’s security council as he calls for UN peacekeepers - Ukraine’s national security and defence council has approved President Petro Poroshenko’s call for UN peacekeepers to be deployed in the east of the country. The request will be put before Ukraine’s parliament in the coming days. The council was very specific about where the troops should be deployed. They want UN soldiers along the frontline as defined by the Minsk agreement. They also said the Ukraine-Russia border should be patrolled by the UN even though Kyiv currently has no control of the area. A further decision was made to invite NATO counties to take part in military exercises on Ukranian territory.

February 19 2015, 01:52

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