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MP proposes to limit migration to Almaty and Astana

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Tear-off ad "Need help in getting residence permit?" A Mazhilis deputy Rauan Shaekin suggested to temporary limit issuance of residence permits (propiska) in Almaty and Astana.

"Analysis demonstrated that people in the queue for flats in Almaty and Astana make up one third of Kazakhstan's homeless population. At first sight it is a normal internal migration - people seek good job, better conditions and move to Astana and Almaty, however we need to understand that uncontrolled processes are big load on budget" he said and suggested to toughen control over the pace of 2020 Housing Program and pay bigger attention to housing commissioning when assessing performance of akims.

"People must have a motivation to stay in the regions they live now, but not seek other place. Availability or lack of accommodation should not be a reason for moving" the MP noted and proceeded to suggestion to limit residence permit issuance in the cities of Astana and Almaty.

"At the time, we adopted laws on status of Astana and Almaty. No matter how this measure sounds or how popular it is, it is within the boundaries of Constitution. I would say temporary limitation of residential registration in these cities is reasonable" he said.

Mr Shaekin also proposed to puzzle out what to do with the people who own a number of empty apartments.

"It's not a secret that in every city, including Almaty and Astana, there is a person who has several apartments and houses, usually empty. There should be a rational boundary and I propose to introduce a limitation" he said, yet failed to specify the kind of limitation.

WKT citing

December 7 2012, 17:44

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