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Ex-Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov’s home arrest extended for 2 months

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Home arrest has been extended for two more months for Serik Akhmetov, ex-prime minister and ex-minister of defense, suspected of corruption crimes, kaztag reports from the courtroom.

“Satisfy the claim, extend home arrest for Serik Akhmetov for the period of familiarization with the materials of the case by 2 months until April 18, 2015,”- said Yerkesh Mauken, judge of Kazybekbi district court of Karaganda.
S. Akhmetov is suspected of crime prescribed by the article 3 of the Criminal Code: 176 part 4 (embezzlement), 307 part 4 (power abuse), 311 part 5 (bribe taking). 

February 13 2015, 15:36

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