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"Dad Refuses to Give Up Newborn Son With Down Syndrome", "Russia warns US arms to Ukraine will cause 'colossal damage' to ties", "Spank the kids, but let them keep their dignity, pope says", "Ex-NATO chief warns Putin could attack Baltics as Ukraine, rebe

1 185 просмотрs "Dad Refuses to Give Up Newborn Son With Down Syndrome" - When Samuel Forrest of Armenia heard a baby crying from outside his wife's hospital room, he knew his life would change forever. Not only had he become a father, but he would soon receive some unexpected news about his newborn son.

"Russia warns US arms to Ukraine will cause 'colossal damage' to ties"-Russia on Thursday warned the United States against sending weapons to Ukraine, saying such action would cause "colossal damage" to ties between the former Cold War foes. “Siemens to cut 7,800 jobs globally” - Engineering giant Siemens has announced another round of massive cutbacks as it continues its aggressive push to overhaul its operations. The move comes after disappointing results in its first quarter.

"Troops fathered 400,000 children in post-war Germany" - German historians say in a new book that at least 400,000 children were fathered by troops of the four allied powers that occupied Germany after World War Two. They resulted from widespread rapes as well as love affairs.

"Spank the kids, but let them keep their dignity, pope says" - In comments that are likely to ruffle child rights activists, Pope Francis has said it is OK to spank children, provided their dignity is kept. The Catholic Church has come under UN criticism for its stance on the topic. "Ex-NATO chief warns Putin could attack Baltics as Ukraine, rebels reach humanitarian deal" - NATO's former secretary-general has warned that Russian President Vladimir Putin could engineer a Ukraine-style intervention in one of the Baltic republics as the leaders of France and Germany flew to Moscow to make a last-ditch bid for peace in eastern Europe. 

February 6 2015, 18:35

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