Atyrau, July 27 05:15
 clearВ Атырау +25
$ 474.83
€ 515.38
₽ 5.50

Food prices increased by 4.8% in a year

1 239 просмотрs

In November 2012 the food prices compared with the same month of last year increased in average by 4.8%, reported the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to Agency, fish and seafood prices increased by 6%, macaroni products -by 5.9%, buns goods – 5.8%, coffee, tea and cocoa – 5.3%, pastry items, alcoholic beverages – 4.8%, flour – 4.4%, dairy products – 3.6%, fruit and vegetables - 3%, bread – 2.3%.

Prices reduced for grain - 29.1%, sugar – 6.6%, oils and fats - 2%.

An incremental price for meat price and meat products increased during this period to 9,9%. Price of pork became 13,3% higher, horse meat - 12,4%, mutton - 11,7%, beef - 11%.


December 4 2012, 15:08

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