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Caspian Sea frozen

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Coastal zones in Aktau are iced over and covered with snow. You can observe such phenomenon once in 5-7 years, say experts, reports referring to TV channel Khabar.

It’s been a week that temperature was below zero in Mangistau Obalst. Severe frosts turned the coastal zone of the salty sea into a skating rink. On one hand it is a very beautiful sight. However, it has dangerous side to it. Locals that are not used to such phenomenon rush to the icy sea to take pictures and end up being in water. It adds work to the resuers.

Edil Esbosinov, the rescuer says: “The ice only near the coastal line is 30 cm. If you go further, then the ice is thinner, so we ask the Aktau city citizens and visitors to be careful and not to go far. It is better to admire this view from the coast. Health and life are far more important than exclusive photos”.

Translated by Zeena Urynbassarova

January 30 2015, 10:25

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