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Kazakhstan attracted over USD 200 billion of direct investments over 23 years

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Kazakhstan attracted over 200 billion US dollars of foreign direct investments over the recent three years, Deputy Chairman of the Board of "National Agency for Export and Investments "KAZNEXINVEST" JSC Kairat Karmanov informed.

"Those measures that were taken by the state over the recent five years during the first phase of the industrialization led to the unprecedented growth of foreign direct investments in the processing sector. Before 2009, only 27% of all foreign direct investments had been attracted to the processing sector. And now over the last five years we have about 73% of investments attracted to this sector. In total, Kazakhstan has attracted over 200 billion US dollars in the last 23 years," K. Karmanov specified, reports.
He also noted that Kazakhstan began its industrialization campaign with the focus on development of the processing sector and attraction of investments. Besides, the government works hard every year in order to improve Kazakhstan's positions in the world rankings in terms of doing business and investment attraction. "Kazakhstan is ranked 77th in the Doing Business-2015 rating and is placed ahead of many developed countries including China. We also occupy the 17th position in the world in terms of taxation. Speaking of competitiveness, Kazakhstan is ranked 50th in the world," K. Karmanov added.

January 29 2015, 16:25

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