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“Scientist offers to build nuke bomb targeting New York”, “Michelle Obama navigates limits on women in Saudi Arabia”, “Common Over-the-Counter Medicines Linked to Dementia in New Study”, “Amal Clooney in court to condemn Armenia genocide-denier”

1 184 просмотрs “Scientist offers to build nuke bomb targeting New York” - A disgruntled, former Los Alamos National Laboratory scientist promised to build 40 nuclear weapons for Venezuela in 10 years and design a bomb targeted for New York City in exchange for "money and power," according to secret FBI recordings released Wednesday. “Michelle Obama navigates limits on women in Saudi Arabia” - For first lady Michelle Obama, just a few hours in Saudi Arabia were enough to illustrate the stark limitations under which Saudi women live. Joining President Barack Obama for a condolence visit after the death of the King Abdullah, Mrs. Obama stepped off of Air Force One wearing long pants and a long, brightly colored jacket — but no headscarf.

“Amal Clooney in court to condemn Armenia genocide-denier” - A long-running battle over one man's denial of the Armenian genocide returned to the European Court of Human Rights on Wednesday, drawing added attention by the presence of Amal Clooney. “Common Over-the-Counter Medicines Linked to Dementia in New Study” - Common over-the-counter drugs such as Benadryl may be linked to dementia, according to a new study published this week in JAMA Internal Medicine. Researchers at University of Washington and a nonprofit called Group Health followed 3,434 adults over age 65 for more than seven years. None of them had dementia or Alzheimer's disease when the study started, and they kept careful records about the drugs they took. The researchers found that people who took more anticholinergic drugs -- which affect the nervous system and are in antihistamines and some bladder control medications -- were more likely to develop dementia.


January 29 2015, 14:32

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