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“4 beheaded in Saudi Arabia less than a week into King Salman's rule”, “Experts Say Obama's Visit to India Might Fuel Concerns of Russia, China”, “North Korea leader 'to visit Russia”, “UK Jews and Muslims team up against hate”, “Kazakhstan, Ukraine work

1 323 просмотрs “4 beheaded in Saudi Arabia less than a week into King Salman's rule” - Four people have been executed in Saudi Arabia less than a week after 79-year-old King Salman assumed power following the death of his 90-year-old predecessor, King Abdullah. Under the strict guidelines of Sharia Law, three people were put to death across the oil-rich kingdom on Tuesday. “Experts Say Obama's Visit to India Might Fuel Concerns of Russia, China” - President Obama's attempt to deepen ties with India, China's and Russia's strategic partner, puts New Delhi in a tight situation. India has to balance between newly established relations with the US and its commitment to cooperation with China and Russia. “North Korea leader 'to visit Russia” - Kim Jong-Un accepts invitation from the Kremlin to attend Word War II memorial in Moscow, South Korean media reports. North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has confirmed he will attend celebrations in Russia in May marking the Soviet victory over Germany in World War II, South Korea's Yonhap news agency said, citing a Kremlin spokesman. The trip would mark Kim's first foreign trip since taking power in 2011 after the death of his father, Kim Jong-Il. The celebrations would be attended by a host of world leaders, including Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“UK Jews and Muslims team up against hate” - Muslims and Jews living in the same North London neighbourhood are making a stand together against hate crime amid concerns of an increased threat to both communities in the aftermath of the Paris attacks. Jewish communities in the UK have been on a heightened state of alert since a siege orchestrated by a gunman at a kosher supermarket in the French capital left four hostages dead, with police and Jewish neighbourhood watch groups stepping up security around synagogues and schools. “Kazakhstan, Ukraine working on joint machine building projects” - The Ministry for Investments and Development of Kazakhstan is working on several joint projects in machine building industry together with Ukraine, according to Vice Minister Albert Rau. On Wednesday, Vice Minister Rau attended the plenary session of Majilis, lower chamber of the Kazakh Parliament, and briefed Kazakhstani lawmakers on joint projects with Ukraine.

January 28 2015, 16:05

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