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Kazakhstan joins world in condemning Ukraine massacre

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Kazakhstan joined the rest of the world Monday in condemning the attack by pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine that left at least 30 civilians dead over the weekend.

The Kazakh Foreign Ministry expressed in a statement its "deep concern" about the escalation of violence that took place in Ukraine, and "particularly about the bombardment that caused the death of civilians," reports. 

"We are convinced that peace negotiations are the only alternative for resolving the crisis in southeastern Ukraine," the ministry said.

The Donetsk regional government, loyal to the Kiev authorities, said at least 30 people died and another 93 were wounded Saturday during an artillery attack against the city of Mariupol in eastern Ukraine, refers to

Kazakhstan is "prepared to provide a platform for resolving the Ukraine crisis, at the right time and in the most suitable way for both sides," the ministry said, calling on the parties involved to help find a way out of the conflict.

"We urge all parties to move toward a peaceful solution of the conflict, based on all parties doing their part, including signatories of the Minsk Protocol," the ministry said.

The Minsk Protocol was signed on Sept. 5, 2014, by representatives of Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic.

The accord seeks to put an end to the war in eastern Ukraine and was signed in Minsk under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, or OSCE.

The Mariupol attack came amid a wide-ranging offensive launched by pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine.

Those slain in the attack included a girl of 15 and a 5-year-old boy, while among the 93 wounded, some of whom are in critical condition, were at least another five minors. EFE

January 27 2015, 11:00

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