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Remembering Demis Roussos

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Demis Roussos died in Athens on January 25, 2015 at the age of 68. As a number of online tributes attest, he was one of the most acclaimed singers of his generation.

Fans of Demis Roussos (Quand je t'aime, Forever And Ever, Goodbye My Love, Goodbye, ...) along with the rest of the music world have been remembering the iconic man he was, reports.

Roussos, a cultural icon

Born Artémios Ventoúris Roússos in Alexandria on June 15, 1946, his career spanned an arc over many different eras and tastes in Greek history. Roussos was not just a great singer, he was an icon, an all-around inspiration to everyone.

In 1973 he touched the hearts of millions with ‘Goodbye My Love, Goodbye’. His legacy will continue to grow as new generations of fans are discovering his unique musical heritage.

Although Demis Roussos is no longer physically here, his presence is more powerful than ever. He left a void that has yet to be filled.

In memory of the Late Great Demis Roussos.

January 26 2015, 18:28

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